
  1. Industries of Architecture, Call for Papers
    School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK
    01.18.14 – 05.01.14


    11th International AHRA (Architectural Humanities Research Association) Conference

    13 – 15 November 2014, Newcastle University, SAPL, and various venues around Newcastle

    Keynote Speakers: Adrian Forty (UK) / Peggy Deamer (USA) / Aggregate (USA) / Sérgio Ferro (France/Brazil) / Gail Day (UK).

    Workshops: BIM Goes the Architect / Working with Regulation: Creative engagements between architects and Regulation / Retrofit in Practice: What next? / On Site: Observations and conversations on the design and production of the built environment / Risk and Reflexivity: Architecture and the industries of risk-distribution / New Glass Performances and Materials Designed for Purpose

    This 2½ day conference invites architectural theorists, historians, designers and others to explore the industrial, technical and socio-economic contexts in which building is constituted that are all too often sidelined within the architectural humanities. Industries of Architecture will also host a number of open-structured debate-oriented workshops with the aim of bringing into the discussion those working in building, technology, law, practice management, construction or in industry together with researchers in the architectural humanities. In addition, the opening night features public screenings of a series of artists’ films that explore the production of architecture, including the work of Harun Farocki and Allan Sekula.

    Call for Papers: For detailed information about Industries of Architecture and for the full CFP please go to: 500 word abstracts, including title, and 50 word biog to be sent to by 1 May 2014.