Submission Guidelines
Aggregate welcomes proposals for group projects from all areas, periods, and regions of research that pertain to architecture and its ancillary fields; we have shifted away from publishing single-author articles. Our Peer Review Statement describes the kind of work we intend to publish on the site and our review processes; please read it before sending material to us.
This page has more information about the submission process, and a guide to formatting.
We publish traditional articles, but also cultivate work in a variety of formats not traditionally published in academic journals: for example, glossaries of terms, annotated bibliographies, slide shows, interviews, podcasts, videos, questions for debate and discussion, polemical essays and provocations, translations, presentations and discussions of key primary sources. We welcome ideas for other formats.
Separately we solicit announcements for relevant events and publications in our field. If you would like to submit an announcement please send an email to announcements [at]
How to Submit
Please send inquiries about projects, via email, to the editor of the umbrella you feel is most relevant to your work. If you are unsure, or your work doesn’t seem to fit into one of these umbrellas, simply submit to open [at]
- Discipline (Timothy Hyde and Lucia Allais: discipline [at]
- Matter (Edward Eigen and Michael Osman): matter [at]
- Plots Meredith TenHoor): plots [at]
- Systems (Arindam Dutta): systems [at]
What to Submit
As we prepare materials for publication, we ask authors to submit the following:
- Article text and title
- Biographic Information, for each author
- Your name as you would like it to appear on the site
- a 1-3 paragraph biography
- a headshot, if you want it used on our site
- links to your home page(s)
- A brief 1-2 sentence introduction to your text. Aggregate reserves the right to modify this introduction.
- A separate document with all of your endnote references, properly formatted. If you use Zotero, please also send us an export of your references.
- Images as individual .jpg files
- Keywords that you feel relate to your article.
Authors should consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. Captions and endnotes should be formatted using the notes and bibliography system.
We publish in multiple media, and can only accommodate certain kinds of text formatting, as follows:
- Bold and Italic (no underline)
- Headings, sub-headings and sub-sub-headings. We require the use of headings in articles longer than 3,000 words.
- Numbered Lists
- Bulleted lists
- Block Quotes
- Links to other web pages or to related documents
- Footnotes
- Figures
Please contact us if you have special formatting needs beyond this.
Our website uses Markdown Formatting, a simple, straightforward means of formatting texts. We greatly appreciate receiving texts from authors who submit them pre-formatted in Markdown. A guide for using Markdown on Aggregate is here.
Images and other media
Please submit images to accompany your text as individual .jpg files titled Fig1.jpg, Fig2.jpg, etc. The name of the file (Fig1, Fig2, Fig3, etc.) should correspond to the order in which your image should appear in your article. Within the text of your article, please indicate where the images should appear as follows: [figure 1]. Note that figures must be on their own line, so use the figure designations to indicate where the text should break.
Images should be no larger than 5 MB (and this only for images that require a high degree of detail), and no smaller than 2080x2080 pixels.
We can display inline images and slideshows of images with captions. We can also accommodate audio files in Soundcloud and display videos posted on Vimeo.
We also can publish original archival material (provided that you have permission to publish it) and links to other related documents to accompany your text.